Remember my Mix&Match Swap package I received from my canadian friend Mo? She sent me some Kool-Aid so I could trying dying myself. Wow, what a great fun I had that day!I started up with stiring the Kool-Aid powder into some hot water. The colors are quite strong and I couldn't help wondering if people really dare to drink this poisonlike beverages?
Earlier this summer I bought some swedish plain wool so I decided to begin my dyeinglession no. 1 with theese skeins. I had two white and two light grey skeins and I started up with the white ones.Please don't laugh no when looking at my pictures. I must admit it looks rather unprepared with different kind of too small jars and jugs to dye in. But with some effort and a little bit of violence I managed to soak the entired skein into a color. I don't know if this method is to prefer or if I was doing everything the wrong way but I had to move hot yarn back and forth between the jars in order to avoid any white leftovers.
After some cooling and rinsing I could hang my first homedyed skein for drying on a chair. I was quite satisfied with the result and it was so fun so I immediately started up a new batch to dye!
As you understand I have jumped a few or more steps in the process here but I had no time to take more pictures, I was a busy dyeing, remember! Ha! I couldn't imagine how fun it would be.So, after some troble with making a nice looking skein I came up with this:
During the rest of the day I found myself thinking constantly of new ways to improve the process. Maybe I should try to dye on a wooden board instead or in a pan in my oven in order to get the colors at exactly the places. I must try this the next time!
Then I had to find suitable names for the my creations! Almost every dyer who sells yarn out there have ispiring names for their skeins so.... may I introduce you to
"Peach Melba"